United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Год: 2022
Страниц: X, 544
The 2022 edition of the United Nations Statistical Yearbook is the sixty-fifth issue of the publication, prepared by the Statistics Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Ever since the compilation of data for the Statistical Yearbook series was initiated in 1948, it has consistently provided a wide range of inte rnationally available statistics on social, economic and environmental conditions and activities at the national, regional and world levels. The contents of the Yearbook continue to be under review and additional tables are expected to be introduced in future editions. Please send any comments or views to our email address, statistics@un.org. The tables include series covering an
appropriate historical period, depending upon data availability and space constraints, for as many countries, territories and statistical areas of the world as available. The tables cover a period up to 2022, with some of the data being estimated.
Statistical yearbook / UN. - New York.
2022, 65th issue. - 2022. - X, 544 p.